Tuesday 19 March 2019

And now for something completely different...

I've heard that trying out something new and different is good for your brain and keeps you young so for the last few weeks I've been teaching myself Python.

For the uninitiated Python is a programming language used (I believe) in data manipulation and 'back end' website design (??????) I don't think that it has anything to do with bums though which is a great shame as it might be more interesting if it did.

I've got to say that I am not finding it easy.  It's so long since I attempted anything so logic based that getting my head around all the various syntax protocols and different sorts of loops etc is like trying to fit a soccer ball into the equivalent volume shoe box.  It's frustrating and it hurts but it does feel good (sort of) to be stretching myself.

I only tell you all this because it is definitely impacting my ability to put out 2 blog posts each week, generally after I've spent an hour or 2 wrestling with Python I cannot face turning the chrome book back on for any reason.  It's surprising really that it has not been thrown with great force through a window or used to stage my own mini 'will it blend' experiment.

So for today's picture here is a screen shot of a short programme I wrote to help Jacob to decide whether he needs to do laundry or not.


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