Friday, 30 November 2018

Whoo Hoo quilt back and an Apron

Today I have a  Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts and my December goal for One Monthly Goal at Elm Street Quilts.

Firstly, Whoo Hoo train quilt is my Finished or not Friday.  Remember the puffs of steam shown on my goal setting post here that disappeared?  I didn't want to waste them so I have sewn them into stepping stones on the back which is now finished.  My dining room was the only place light enough for a photograph today so I may have just invented a quilted tablecloth with built in runner!

It is all sandwiched up (you can probably see the pins if you look closely) and my binding is pressed and ready so although I am not quite finished I hope to be by next Friday.

My One Monthly Goal for December requires a little back story.

Elm Street Quilts

I have recently embarked on a campaign to teach my 14 year old son some useful life skills.  He is very intelligent but has no common sense at all and although a good working knowledge of calculus and multiple programming languages may help get him into a good university it will not keep him well fed with clean clothes.  Honestly, I love him to bits but some day I'd like him to become an independent person and not live in my house anymore.  Here he is with my daughter on the night of his middle school graduation.

Since the summer I have taught him how to do his own laundry (which he does each week) and vacuum his own room (which he does when he can find the floor under all the unsorted laundry) and I have begun teaching him the rudiments of feeding himself.

We have started with learning how to read the instructions on a packet of instant food and so I have introduced him to 1 portion microwave mug cakes.  There are many varieties out there so every time he tries a new one he has to correctly interpret the instructions, this has worked really well because he enjoys eating them.  Here's what he has learnt so far:
  • Microwaves come in different sizes and powers
  • There is a difference between tablespoons and teaspoons
  • It helps to read the instructions properly before you start
  • Size matters when it comes to mug capacity
  • Metal does not go in the microwave
Now he has got the hang of packet mixes we will progress to making mug cakes from real ingredients.  To celebrate his new skills and help keep him clean I am going to make him a nice new apron for Christmas, this Martha Stewart pattern is my goal for December.

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts and Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal December Linkup. at Elm Street Quilts.


  1. That looks wonderful on your table. I think you've certainly got a lovely reversible quilt. And great that your son is learning to cook and launder. Good luck with apron :)

  2. Life skills with a new handy-dandy apron! Way to go, Mom!

  3. Love aprons! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilt One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  4. Great quilt, and now that you mention it, a tablecloth with a built in runner is a great idea. I think I may make one!

    You are very smart to start with single serve recipes. My daughters took turns making the main entre for family dinners, and sometimes we all went hungry. lol
