Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Yes, nearly a finish!

At the beginning of March I set myself the goal of finishing off half of the blocks on Wonky Wheels.  I am happy to say that this moth I have over achieved.  I finished all the blocks, made some sashing and look, I've only 2 seams to finish and I'm done the flimsy.

It's amazing what you can do when there are no ice storms, snow days and contractors in the house.  I feel much better about the failure that was February now.

I'm feeling generally hopeful all round at the moment.  The big piles of ice on the boulevard at the end of the driveway have nearly melted, the red winged blackbirds are shirring away and I can walk to school without snow boots.  It feels great to wear sneakers again.

I can't wait to get back in the garden.  I've an enormous bag of garden soil being delivered next week.  So far I've just got these teeny tomato seedlings to plant in it so I'd better get my act together and get some more stuff started.

Linking up to Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal - March Finish Link-up.

Happy Spring,

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

And now for something completely different...

I've heard that trying out something new and different is good for your brain and keeps you young so for the last few weeks I've been teaching myself Python.

For the uninitiated Python is a programming language used (I believe) in data manipulation and 'back end' website design (??????) I don't think that it has anything to do with bums though which is a great shame as it might be more interesting if it did.

I've got to say that I am not finding it easy.  It's so long since I attempted anything so logic based that getting my head around all the various syntax protocols and different sorts of loops etc is like trying to fit a soccer ball into the equivalent volume shoe box.  It's frustrating and it hurts but it does feel good (sort of) to be stretching myself.

I only tell you all this because it is definitely impacting my ability to put out 2 blog posts each week, generally after I've spent an hour or 2 wrestling with Python I cannot face turning the chrome book back on for any reason.  It's surprising really that it has not been thrown with great force through a window or used to stage my own mini 'will it blend' experiment.

So for today's picture here is a screen shot of a short programme I wrote to help Jacob to decide whether he needs to do laundry or not.


Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Signs of Spring

For the last month I have been wishing desperately for spring.  All the ice and snow this February was horrible and I will be truly glad to see the back of it.

I read in Gardening Month by Month in Ontario that flowering shrubs and trees will come out early if you bring a branch indoors and place it in water so last Wednesday I picked a dead looking piece of Forsythia and popped it in a jug.  I didn't hold out much hope to be honest but will you look at this.

My own tiny piece of spring.  I think I'm going to try with a bit of the scraggy trees from the back garden next.

Happy Spring Blossoms

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

March Monthly Goal

February saw my first failure to make my monthly goal.  I'm putting it down to the weather and the short month but if I'm honest there was a certain amount of enthusiasm lacking too.  I've caught up a little now, have just got hand sewing and hemming to do to finish my jacket and I went out yesterday and bought the fabric to finish Wonky Wheels.  Here it is.

And so to my goal for March.  I am going to stiffen my resolve and get the final outer layer done on half of my Wonky Wheels blocks, that's 10.  This is ambitious, especially given last month's efforts (or lack thereof) but I am hoping the fact that I already have the materials and have only set myself one goal will help me achieve it.

Linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal March Link-up.

Happy Sewing everyone